Wedding Szn

Love is in the air, now its time to get a new dress and do your hair! Why is it that all your friends and family want to get married around the same time?! It must be something in the water or maybe it’s the weather. Either way, now you have the stress of finding an outfit, losing a couple of pounds and finding shoes that won’t hurt your feet dancing all night. I had the awesome privilege of witnessing 4 lovely couples get married so far this summer. So I have some great tips for choosing an ensemble as a wedding guest.

  1. Be Fabulous. Yes, It’s the bride’s day, so it should be all eyes on her. But it’s ok to steal 50% of the spotlight. You never know who will be in the audience. Your potential husband, or your ex and he may have the nerve to bring his new girlfriend. So obviously, you have some showing off to do!



  1. Never wear white! Bold colors are in this wedding szn and it’s a sure way to stand out from the crowd. Don’t shy away from trying some rich jeweled tones.


  1. Florals are always a crowd pleaser. You can never do any wrong with wearing floral patterns. The innocence can be kept at bay or spiked by your selection of shoes and accessories.


  1. Don’t be afraid to go short. A wedding can be considered a formal occasion but showing some leg doesn’t hurt. Classy is always key, remember this is not a girl’s night out function. No freakum dresses.


  1. Use your legs. You don’t always have to wear a dress or skirt. Try a jumpsuit or a clean trouser look. They bring a sharpness to your silhouette and also seem effortless. This also helps if you didn’t lose those extra pounds you were aiming for.


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